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By the numbers: FSBO vs Hiring A Realtor

Listings with qualified Agents bring more results: higher price sale, smoother transactions, better terms and can take you to the finish line.

Initially, saving the 6% commission may seem appealing however, not hiring an agent can have hidden costs: marketing materials, limited exposure and bring less qualified buyers.

Digital media is the first filter by which buyers select homes, and attempting to do that without the experience and resources is a lot to take on.

Two main factors determine how your home sells: the conditions and the traffic. Preparing your home, having the correct information, material and pricing are just a few points to set the right conditions and traffic.

Generating the right traffic is not just about listing on Zillow. How a property ranks on any of the apps and websites has to do with the quality of the listing. Not all listings are equal. And did you know your potential buyers find other agents' contact before they get to yours? It's no wonder the FSBO sit on the market so much longer...

The numbers tell the story. Graphs are specific markets as part of the larger National study.

Two metro samples on sales numbers.

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